Friday, July 18, 2008

Scour earn for search

Today I heard about Scour search engine and I was amazed. Everyone, absolutely Everyone can earn money for searching with Scour.
Scour is a new soccial search engine that combines the results of the 3 leading search engines these days: Google, Yahoo, MSN.

This is not a scam, Scour is a company owned by ABC! I believe they are gonna be as large as msn, and the best part is, they will pay you for just using their search engine, just like you use msn. All you do is what you regularly do, search for the websites you love on the internet.

Scour also allows you vote, bookmark and review a website and pays you for doing so! Amazing! You get better results and you can see what others think about the results, social search engine where every website becomes transparent and you can find out exactly about people's experience with it.

This is how you earn,make money. For every search you earn 1 point, for each vote you earn and for every review you earn 3 points, point then converted to $$$.

Still not a member?Harry! Join Scour. To become a member of scourclick here

Good luck! I wish you to earn a lot of money with scour!

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